WebcamStudio creates virtual webcam to broadcast over the Internet.
WebcamStudio is a virtual webcam software that can be used with Skype or a flash website like UStream, to create a professional looking broadcast, including banners, animations, transit animations and icons, etc...
This tool is not meant as a video editor but as a live video mixer giving you the possibilities to change the look of the broadcast on the fly.
Some of the features include:
- Switch webcams on a single click
- Show an IRC channel in your video broadcast
- Broadcast your desktop for creation of nice HOWTO's
- Be creative and put animations and banners
- Display what song is currently played by Rhythmbox
- Co-host a remote friend, show his webcam inside your output (PicInPic)
- Connect to WeatherBug and display your current weather
- Apply some fancy effects on each source
- Have a green wall, then why not use the ChromaKey effect to do the same as the weather man on the news network
- Use all kinds of devices as webcamera like a MiniDV, your iPhone, etc....
More features to come.
Project PPAs:
- Stable Ubuntu builds: https:/
- Daily Ubuntu builds (Testing): https:/
Please report all your bugs on our SourceForge project page here:
When reporting bugs, please include:
- OS
- WebcamStudio version/revision that you use
- Java version
- Webcamera vendor, model and version
- For *nix users - output from "sudo lsusb"
- What were you doing when the bug appeared
- Is the bug reproducible and the steps to reproduce it
- This project here on Launchpad is for supporting Ubuntu users only.
- All the development, documentation, screenshots, wiki, code, downloads etc. are on our homepage on SourceForge: https:/
- The project page on Google Code (https:/
- The original homepage of WebcamStudio (http://
- Currently we are looking for Java developers to help in the project.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.