wicd 1.6.2

Stuff to do for 1.6.2 -- this should only be bug fixes, not new features.

Milestone information

Adam Blackburn
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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1 Adam Blackburn, 1 Andrew Psaltis, 3 Dan O'Reilly
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
5 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon wicd-1.6.2.tar.bz2 (md5) source code for Wicd (tar.bz2) 1,489
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
download icon wicd-1.6.2.tar.gz (md5) source code for Wicd (tar.gz) 1,725
last downloaded 63 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,214

Release notes 

This release does not have release notes.


View the full changelog

- Now deals better if the interface disappears while running
- Will now start if the global script directories don't exist
- Adhoc window will now work correctly
- PSK can be generated from non-ASCII characters
- Fix a minor wicd-curses crash while connecting during a scan

0 blueprints and 5 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
385452 #385452 wicd sl-oo-w-s d-o-o-o-owwnnn 5 Low Adam Blackburn  10 Fix Released
386244 #386244 Wicd fails to start if preconnect, postconnect, or disconnect directories do not exist 5 Low Dan O'Reilly  10 Fix Released
387246 #387246 ad-hoc window does not close 5 Low Dan O'Reilly  10 Fix Released
390680 #390680 Fail to generate PSK with non ascii chars in wpa password 5 Low Dan O'Reilly  10 Fix Released
392792 #392792 dbus exception when trying to connect 5 Low Andrew Psaltis  10 Fix Released
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