Registered by Peter J. Mello

A Linux application that can create a bootable USB flash drive installer for Microsoft Windows Vista and all subsequent releases from the install disc or downloaded installer image file, compatible with both BIOS and UEFI boot modes.

This package contains two programs:
  - woeusb: A command-line utility that enables you to create your own bootable Windows installation USB storage device from an existing Windows Installation disc or disk image
  - woeusbgui: A GUI wrapper of WoeUSB based on WxWidgets/GTK3+

Supported images:
 * Windows Vista
 * Windows 7
 * Window 8
 * Windows 8.1
 * Windows 10

Compatible with all languages and any Release Tier (Home, Pro, Enterprise, etc.) as well as Windows PE/RE advanced installation/recovery images. Using wimtools, it can also split WIM files larger than 4GB, overcoming a major hurdle to the creation of installers for recent Windows releases in Linux.

Supported bootmodes:
 * Legacy BIOS/MBR/CSM (Compatibility Support Module)
 * Native UEFI boot mode is supported for Windows 7 and later images (requires selecting FAT32 filesystem for target device)

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Programming languages:
Shell script, Python

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Latest version is 5.1.0

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