News and announcements

Sabily 9.10 (Gaza) available in "full without recitations" version

Written for Sabily Project by Abdelmonam Kouka on 2010-01-21

Assalamo alaykom,

Many brothers and sisters ask for a "full without recitations" version of Sabily, Alhamdolilleh it is released, here the announce:

Please help to spread it for the ones they want, it is only 1.5GB, help to spread it over torrent also.

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منارات Manarat: the code name of Sabily 10.04

Written for Sabily Project by Abdelmonam Kouka on 2010-01-21

Assalamo alaykom,

Sabily team is proud to announce the code name of Sabily 10.04: Manarat منارات

Manarat is the plural of the Arabic word Manara which mean in English and other languages Minaret:

Welcome Sabily Manarat :)

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Sabily 9.10 (Gaza) released

Written for Sabily Project by Abdelmonam Kouka on 2010-01-21

Bismilleh walhamdolilleh wassaleto wasselemo ala rasolilleh,

The Sabily team is proud to announce the release of Sabily 9.10, codename "Gaza". Sabily is the new name of Ubuntu Muslim Edition, the Operating System designed by and for Muslims (but non-Muslims are very welcome to use it too Wink).

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