Publishing details


ntrack (017-0ubuntu0~l1.1) lucid; urgency=low

  Lucid Backport info:
  * back to libnl-dev as build dependency for natty and below
  * disable dh-autoreconf for old releases
  * drop qt destructur symbol not in lucid yet (shame c++)
    _ZN15QNtrackListenerD2Ev@Base 016

  Upstream relesase 017

  * drop disto ftbfs patch that got now incorporated and reworked
    upstream - debian/patches/fix-ftbfs-nl_object_ops.patch

  ACK Debian NMUs
  * use dh-autoreconf to fix FTBFS on ppc64el and arm64. (Closes: #733284)
  * error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct nl_object_ops'" (Closes: 713454)
  * Update build dependency on libnl3-dev to libnl-route-3-dev (Closes: #653848)
  * thx to my friends: Steve McIntyre, Dimitri John Ledkov and Michael Biebl
  * thx for fixes go to: Logan Rosen, Philip Muskovac and Michael Biebl

  Fixed Bugs in 017:
  * lp:770390  - disconnecting PPTP and OPENVPN VPN in NM causes libnl backend module to get stuck in OFFLINE
  * lp:1115449 - ntrack-libnl.c:544:3: error: invalid use of undefined type 'struct nl_object_ops'
  * lp:1226090 - Developer build instructions are inaccurate
  * lp:889570  - select backend through environ NTRACK_BACKEND=...
 -- Alexander Sack <email address hidden>   Sat, 08 Nov 2014 21:47:35 +0100

Available diffs


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