Publishing details
azure-iot-sdk-c ( wily; urgency=low
* Initial release
* Update the dependencies for dev packages (#4812242)
* Change location of the headers for the sdk (#4576392)
* Add porting/setup for Arduino Yun (#5070955)
* Remove dependency to Proton and Paho (#758a84c)
* Fix message settlement bug in AMQP Transport (#91bfe82)
* Introduce _setoption in modules which implement XIO interface (#e721b5c)
* change the mqtt timeout from 5 min to 4 due to the service disconnect (#451ab96)
* Added a backoff for mqtt to not overload the network and enable sas token reset before expiration
* Initial implementation of SAS Token support as input in Device Connection String
* Fix tlsio_schannel bug (not all input bytes were being read) (#451ab97)
* Remove stale lock references (#9449654)
* C Client responds to a missed ping with the MQTT_CLIENT_NO_PING_RESPONSE message (#78aaa88)
* Updated the default option on build scripts for uploadToBlob to ON for all platforms
* Updates Azure IoT C SDKs to use a new runtime switchable logging
* Updates Azure IoT C SDKs to use consolelogger_log as default logger
* Update IoTHubClient_SendComplete to use IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT callback
* Added initial changes to support using x509 certificates on C client + added HTTP sample
* Updated the E2E tests to use the new C SDK Service Client
* Extended Upload to Blob to support files larger than 64MB
* Added x509 authentication support to MQTT and AMQP transports
* Add messageId and correlationId to uAMQP messages on D2C messages
* Remove extra trusted_ca field from the wsio config for AMQP over WS
* Add support for MQTT over websockets and bug fixes.
-- AzureIoT User <email address hidden> Thu, 17 Nov 2016 17:00:00 +0000
Built packages
Microsoft Azure IoT device SDK for C Library
Microsoft Azure IoT device SDK for C Library
Package files