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Uploaded packages

2 packages
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
fonts-noto-color-emoji Ubuntu Jammy 2.038-0ubuntu1 None
nototools Ubuntu Jammy 0.2.17-0ubuntu1 None

PPA packages

9 packages
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
gfxi Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Jammy 1.4-1 None
diskgraph Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Kinetic 1.1-1 None
gfxi Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Kinetic 1.3-1 None
energygraph Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Kinetic 1.1-1 None
freqtop Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Kinetic 1.1-1 None
icmpwatch Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Kinetic 1.0-1ubuntu1 None
imcat Open sourced tools by Bram - Ubuntu Kinetic 1.5-1 None