Publishing details
ledmon (0.90-1) bionic; urgency=medium
* Non-maintainer upload.
* New upstream release.
* Removed quilt patches which seem to no longer be necessary
* Adds support for Intel VROC/RSTe
* Handle udev events in ledmon.
* Possibility to list all controllers detected by LED utilities tool (ledctl
* Configuration file for ledmon advanced features (check man ledmon.config).
* Added option to ledctl for managing only listed devices (ledctl
* Documentation improvements.
* Detecting nvme disks during scan.
* Keep failure state after VMD reconnecting.
* Blinking failure LED after removing disk from RAID.
* Refactoring of SES-2 protocol implementation. SES minor fixes.
* Logfile and log levels small improvements.
* Support for NVMe SSD devices.
* Support for NVMe devices under VMD domains.
* Using SMP GPIO_REG_TYPE_TX register for SGPIO.
* Sending LED commands optimization.
* Documentation improvements.
* Fix support for the Dell PCIe SSD devices.
* Handling enclosure device name change.
* Fixes around IBPI_PATTERN_LOCATE_OFF state.
* Unify ping_proc method for all systems
* Recognize RAID volume under reshape as DEVICE_TYPE_VOLUME
-- Jeff Lane <email address hidden> Fri, 23 Mar 2018 09:29:56 -0400
Built packages
Enclosure LED Utilities
Package files