PPA packages

150 of 126 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
libpgm PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Raring 5.1.118-1~ckorn1 None
quilt Testing PPA for Kenny1682 - Ubuntu Hardy 0.46-8ubuntu1~hardy1 None
quilt Backport PPA for Kenny1682 - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.46-8ubuntu1~jaunty1 None
quilt Backport PPA for Kenny1682 - Ubuntu Hardy 0.46-8ubuntu1 None
songbird PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Precise 1:1.10.2-1~ppa1 None
wine1.3 PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Natty 1.3.24-0ubuntu4~natty None
wine1.3 PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Maverick 1.3.18-0ubuntu3 None
vbam PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Maverick None
vbam PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid None
cuneiform guiodic-testing - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.0-1~getdeb1 None
wine1.3 PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 1.3.4-0ubuntu3 None
quilt PPA for XBMC SVN BUILDING - Ubuntu Hardy 0.46-8ubuntu1 None
quilt Kodi stable - Ubuntu Hardy 0.46-8ubuntu1 None
googlecl PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 0.9.9-1~ppa1 None
vlc PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 1.1.2-1~ppa1 None
wine1.2 PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 1.3.0-1ubuntu2+winepulse None
gnome-exe-thumbnailer PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 0.3-1~ppa1 None
vlc PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 1.1.0~rc1-1~getdeb1 None
xchat PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Lucid 2.8.8-1~ppa2 None
xautoclick PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Karmic 0.20-1~ppa1 None
scilab PPA for GetDeb Package Builders - Ubuntu Lucid 5.2.1-5~ppa1 None
quilt PPA for Hardy - Ubuntu Hardy 0.46-8ubuntu1 None
vlc guiodic-testing - Ubuntu Karmic 1.0.5-1~getdeb1 None
transmission guiodic-testing - Ubuntu Karmic 1.80-1~getdeb1 None
pulseaudio PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Karmic 1:0.9.19-0ubuntu5~ppa1 None
parcellite guiodic-testing - Ubuntu Karmic 0.9.2-1~getdeb1 None
pulseaudio PPA for GetDeb Package Builders - Ubuntu Karmic 1:0.9.20-0ubuntu1 None
vlc PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Karmic 1.0.3-1~ppa1 None
wine PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.1.31~winehq0~ubuntu~9.04-1~ppa1~jaunty1 None
wine PPA for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Intrepid 1.1.30~winehq0~ubuntu~8.10-1~ppa1~intrepid1 None
vlc PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Hardy 0.9.9a-1~ppa1~hardy5 None
vlc PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.0.2-1~ppa1 None
subversion PPA for GetDeb Package Builders - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.6.5dfsg-1ubuntu5 None
subversion PPA for GetDeb Package Builders - Ubuntu Karmic 1.6.5dfsg-1ubuntu4 None
scilab PPA for GetDeb Package Builders - Ubuntu Karmic 5.1.1-8ppa1 None
pidgin PPA for Brendan Long - Ubuntu Jaunty 1:2.6.1-1~ppa1 None
avidemux PPA for GetDeb Package Builders - Ubuntu Karmic 1:2.5.1-0.0 None
libass PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Hardy 0.9.6-1ubuntu1~ppa3~hardy None
libass PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.9.6-1ubuntu1~ppa4 None
schroedinger PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Hardy 1.0.7-2~ppa1~hardy None
gst-plugins-base0.10 PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Hardy None
cdparanoia PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Hardy 3.10.2+debian-5~ppa2~hardy None
gstreamer0.10 PPA named vlc for Christoph Korn - Ubuntu Hardy None
150 of 126 results