
PPA description

The initramfs package in this ppa has an updated mkinitramfs and an updated update-initramfs scripts.
They add switches for an event driven initramfs selection. The code which is added as a change in this ppa will affect only when you invoke update-initramfs/mkinitramfs with the new "-e" switch that indicates that you wish to generate an event-driven initramfs.
Eg: update-initramfs -e -u - shall create/update an initramfs which will be event driven. This comand will never touch your non event driven initramfs. This command creates/updates an initramfs with the following format:

When testing you should use this ".event" file!

Install steps:
1) Install the initramfs package first. Please check the following:
    a) your mkinitramfs is modified (search for "event" - there should be something with this)
    b) your update-initramfs is modified (search for "event" - there should be something with this)
    c) /usr/share/initramfs-tools/ has a new directory called event-driven which has a few files and another directory called upstart-jobs.

2) Install the mountall package. Check if /sbin has mntctl in it. Also verify that /usr/share/initramfs/hooks/mountall file is present and has an executable flag set.

3) Install the upstart package. Verify that your /sbin/init is modified indeed. Run "strings /sbin/init | grep Removing" This should show you some string.
Also verify that /usr/share/initramfs/hooks/upstart file is present and has an executable flag set.
Now, plain reboot - to gain some confidence. Then you can verify your initctl is modified as follows: Run the following command - initctl pivot /root /abc.
This should give you some error which should look similar to "/ may not be on initramfs"

If everything above holds true, then you are ready to go further...
1) Execute update-initramfs -e -u.
This should print "event-driven and generate some files.."
Also, I have purposefully made the "keep" option on, so that you will have the created initramfs in your /tmp/ dir.
The printed message will indicate what this dir is:
So now verify the following:
1) is a initramfs-<kernel-version>.img.event created?
2) in your /tmp/mkinitramfs_<some-name> dir do you have the following files:
    a) etc/nsswitch.conf - does this entry match "passwd: files"
    b) etc/passwd - does it have an entry with "root" in it.
    c) lib/* ?
    d) lib/* ?
    e) lib/* ?

3) If yes, then reboot and do the following:

At the grub command prompt press "e" and then edit the command line option by adding the following:

1) initrd /boot/<default-initrd-name>.event (just add the .event on the initrd line - a tab will autocomplete it)
2) you could add the --debug option for upstart (by appending it to the root line)
3) if you are using kvm, then you could also redirect your ttyS0 to a file and then add an option console=ttyS0 at the "root=<xyz>" option. This way you can read through the messages that are thrown out by the initramfs.
4) Ctr + x (for booting)

Hopefully you will see your login prompt!

Thanks a tonnes for your help! Awaiting bugs at my email id: <email address hidden>

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:csurbhi/natty-initramfs to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:csurbhi/natty-initramfs
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
Signing key:
1024R/60F84576EC15E4AD12D39D4B6E9A92C546B2BDCA (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Surbhi Palande.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
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Overview of published packages

15 of 5 results
Package Version Uploaded by
initramfs-tools 0.100ubuntu2-eventubuntu1 Surbhi Palande ()
initramfs-tools 0.100ubuntu1-eventubuntu2 Surbhi Palande ()
mountall 2.28ubuntu1-eventdriven Surbhi Palande ()
upstart 1.3-0ubuntu4-pivotubuntu3 Surbhi Palande ()
upstart 1.3-0ubuntu4-pivot Surbhi Palande ()
15 of 5 results

Latest updates

  • upstart 676 weeks ago
    Failed to build: amd64 i386
  • initramfs-tools 676 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • initramfs-tools 676 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • mountall 676 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • upstart 676 weeks ago
    Failed to build: amd64 i386