PPA description
.: In this PPA you can find new releases & backports of a few GNU packages :.
autoconf-archive . . .Autoconf Macro Archive | https:/
autogen. . . . | Automated Text/Program Gen. | https:/
automake . . . | Auto generating | https:/
binutils . . . | GNU binary utilities. . . . | https:/
bison. . . . . | Compatible Parser Generator | https:/
cflow. . . . . | Control Flow Analyzer For C | https:/
cssc . . . . . | GNU Replacement For SCCS. . | https:/
ddrescue . . . | The GNU Data Recovery Tool. | https:/
dejagnu. . . . | Framework To Test Programs. | https:/
denemo . . . . | GTK+ Frontend for Lilypond. | https:/
dico . . . . . | Dictionary Client & Server. | https:/
diffutils. . . | Show Differences In Files . | https:/
ed . . . . . . | Line-Oriented Text Editor . | https:/
emacs. . . . . | Extensible Text Editor. . . | https:/
emms . . . . . | The Emacs Multimedia System | https:/
freedink . . . | Adventure and Role-playing. | https:/
freedink-data. | Data Files for GNU FreeDink | https:/
freedink-dfarc | Frontend for GNU FreeDink . | https:/
gawk . . . . . | GNU Awk . . . . . . . . . . | https:/
gcompris . . . | Educational Games For Kids. | https:/
gdbm . . . . . | Lib Of Database Functions . | https:/
gettext. . . . | Translate Messages. . . . . | https:/
global . . . . | Source Code Tagging System. | https:/
gnu-pw-mgr . . | GNU Password Manager. . . . | https:/
gnuastro . . . | GNU Astronomy Utilities . . | https:/
gnucash. . . . | GNU Accounting Software . . | https:/
gnumed-client. | Medical Practice Management | https:/
gnumed-server. | Medical Practice Management | https:/
gnumeric . . . | Spreadsheet App for GNOME . | https:/
goffice. . . . | GNOME Centric Objects Lib . | https:/
groff. . . . . | Text-Formatting System. . . | https:/
gsl. . . . . . | GNU Scientific Library. . . | https:/
gtypist. . . . | A Simple Touch Typing Tutor | https:/
guile. . . . . | GNU Extension Language. . . | https:/
gvpe . . . . . | GNU Virtual Private Ethernet| https:/
help2man . . . | Automatic Manpage Generator | https:/
indent . . . . | Make Code Easier To Read. . | https:/
libextractor . | Extract Metadata From Files | https:/
libidn . . . . | GNU IDN Library . . . . . . | https:/
libmicrohttpd. | Lib Embedding HTTP server.. | http://
mailman. . . . | GNU Mailing List Manager. . | https:/
make-dfsg. . . | GNU make utility. . . . . . | https:/
mcron. . . . . | Running Jobs @ Regular Time | https:/
mdk. . . . . . | GNU MIX Development Kit . . | https:/
moe. . . . . . | 8bit Console Text Editor. . | https:/
mpfr . . . . . | Multiple Precision Floating | https:/
mtools . . . . | Access MS-DOS Disks . . . . | https:/
nano . . . . . | Pico Clone For *NIX . . . . | https:/
ocrad. . . . . | GNU OCR program . . . . . . | https:/
octave . . . . | Numerical Computations lang | https:/
parallel . . . | Executing Jobs in Parallel. | https:/
parted . . . . | Disk Partition Manipulator. | https:/
recutils . . . | Tools & Libs For Recfiles . | https:/
rush . . . . . | Restricted User SHell . . . | https:/
screen . . . . | Terminal Screen Multiplexor | https:/
spread-sheet-widget .GNU Spread-Sheet Widget | https:/
stow . . . . . | Organizer for /usr/local. . | https:/
texinfo. . . . | GNU Documentation System. . | https:/
units. . . . . | Converts Systems Of Units . | https:/
unrtf. . . . . | Convert RTF In Other Format | https:/
wget . . . . . | Network Downloader. . . . . | https:/
...:: More GNU software you can find here: https:/
Adding this PPA to your system
You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:dns/gnu to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dns/gnu sudo apt update
For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact snd.
PPA statistics
- Activity
- 0 updates added during the past month.
Overview of published packages
101 → 109 of 109 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
Package | Version | Uploaded by |
texinfo | 6.7.0.dfsg.2-5~18.04 | snd () |
texinfo | 6.7.0.dfsg.2-5~16.04.1 | snd () |
units | 2.19-1~18.04 | snd () |
units | 2.19-1~16.04 | snd () |
unrtf | 0.21.10-clean-1~18.04 | snd () |
unrtf | 0.21.10-clean-1~16.04 | snd () |
wget | 1.20.3-1~18.04 | snd () |
wget | 1.20.3-1~16.04 | snd () |
wget2 | 1.99.1-2~18.04 | snd () |
101 → 109 of 109 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |