PPA packages

101111 of 111 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
s3cmd Staging - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.0-1ppa1ubuntu1 None
mbuffer Staging - Ubuntu Lucid 20110317-1ppa1ubuntu1 None
udev Staging - Ubuntu Lucid 164-3ppa1ubuntu1 None
systemd Staging - Ubuntu Lucid 24-1ppa1ubuntu1 None
wal-e Staging - Ubuntu Maverick 0.5-1ppa1ubuntu2 None
repmgr Staging - Ubuntu Lucid 1.1.0-1ppa1ubuntu1 None
repmgr heroku-stuff - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.0-10~git156714f3ubuntu18 None
repmgr heroku-stuff - Ubuntu Maverick 1.0.0-10~git156714f3ubuntu13 None
pgfouine heroku-stuff - Ubuntu Lucid 1.2-2ubuntu1 None
fdr-ppa-demo heroku-stuff - Ubuntu Maverick 1.0.0-1 None
101111 of 111 results