PPA packages

150 of 634 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
budgie-desktop budgie-session - Ubuntu Mantic 10.8.1-1ubuntu0.3 None
budgie-session budgie-session - Ubuntu Mantic 0.1-0ubuntu2 None
budgie-desktop Backports Budgie Unstable - Ubuntu Mantic 10.8-2ubuntu3 None
budgie-extras Backports Budgie Unstable - Ubuntu Jammy 1.7.0-3~ppajammy None
budgie-control-center Backports Budgie Unstable - Ubuntu Jammy 1.3.0-0ubuntu1~ppajammy None
budgie-desktop Backports Budgie Unstable - Ubuntu Jammy 10.8-2ubuntu2~ppajammy None
budgie-carbon-tray-applet backports - Ubuntu Mantic 1.0-0ubuntu1~mantic None
budgie-carbon-tray-applet backports - Ubuntu Jammy 1.0-0ubuntu1~jammy None
budgie-carbon-tray-applet test unstable - Ubuntu Mantic 1.0-0ubuntu1~mantic None
budgie-desktop Test ibus handling - Ubuntu Mantic 10.8-2ubuntu1.ppa1 None
budgie-desktop Test budgie desktop builds - Ubuntu Mantic 10.7.2+202309061348~ubuntu23.10.1 None
budgie-desktop Test ibus handling - Ubuntu Jammy 10.6.1-1ubuntu3.0ppa None
magpie budgie desktop FFE - Ubuntu Mantic 0.9.3-0ubuntu1 None
budgie-desktop budgie desktop FFE - Ubuntu Mantic 10.8-2ubuntu1 None
budgie-desktop test 10.8 not really build - Ubuntu Mantic 10.8-0ubuntu2 None
arc-theme arc-gtk-theme-daily - Ubuntu Lunar 20221218+202308100416~ubuntu23.04.1 None
arc-theme arc-gtk-theme-daily - Ubuntu Jammy 20221218+202308100416~ubuntu22.04.1 None
arc-theme arc-gtk-theme-daily - Ubuntu Mantic 20221218+202308100416~ubuntu23.10.1 None
budgie-desktop Magpie Window Manager - Ubuntu Mantic 10.7.1-1ubuntu4~ppamantic4 None
magpie Magpie Window Manager - Ubuntu Mantic 0.9.1-0ubuntu1~ppamantic1 None
magpie Magpie Window Manager - Ubuntu Lunar 0.9.1-0ubuntu1~ppalunar1ubuntu1 None
budgie-desktop Magpie Window Manager - Ubuntu Lunar 10.7.1-1ubuntu4~ppalunar4 None
arc-theme arc-gtk-theme-daily - Ubuntu Kinetic 20221218+202305121101~ubuntu22.10.1 None
budgie-extras Budgie Extras Daily - Ubuntu Mantic 1.6.0+202305111442~ubuntu23.10.1 None
budgie-control-center Test budgie desktop builds - Ubuntu Mantic 1.2.0+202305111441~ubuntu23.10.1 None
budgie-desktop-view Test budgie desktop builds - Ubuntu Mantic 1.2.1+202305111440~ubuntu23.10.1 None
vimix-gtk-themes backports - Ubuntu Lunar 23.04+20230323-0ubuntu1 None
orchis-gtk-theme backports - Ubuntu Lunar 20230318-0ubuntu1~lunar None
whitesur-gtk-theme backports - Ubuntu Lunar 20230312-0ubuntu1~lunar None
budgie-user-indicator-redux-applet backports - Ubuntu Lunar 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 None
budgie-extras Budgie Extras Daily - Ubuntu Lunar 1.6.0+202303142220~ubuntu23.04.1 None
budgie-desktop test unstable - Ubuntu Lunar 10.7.1-1ubuntu1.1 None
budgie-analogue-clock-applet backports - Ubuntu Jammy 2.0-0ubuntu1~jammy None
budgie-analogue-clock-applet backports - Ubuntu Lunar 2.0-0ubuntu1~lunar None
budgie-analogue-clock-applet backports - Ubuntu Kinetic 2.0-0ubuntu1~kinetic None
tela-circle-icon-theme backports - Ubuntu Jammy 20230129-0ubuntu1~jammy None
tela-circle-icon-theme backports - Ubuntu Kinetic 20230129-0ubuntu1~kinetic None
tela-circle-icon-theme backports - Ubuntu Lunar 20230129-0ubuntu1~lunar None
mojave-gtk-theme backports - Ubuntu Lunar 20221021-0ubuntu1~lunar None
150 of 634 results