PPA packages

150 of 120 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
specto PPA for Specto development - Ubuntu Natty 0.4.1+174~fmarl6~natty1 None
specto PPA for Specto development - Ubuntu Oneiric 0.4.1+174~fmarl6~oneiric1 None
specto PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Natty 0.3.1+167~fmarl6~natty1 None
kupfer Kupfer - Ubuntu Lucid 0+v206-0ubuntu0~10.04~kupferhope None
kupfer Kupfer - Ubuntu Maverick 0+v206-0ubuntu0~mav~kupferhope None
kupfer Kupfer - Ubuntu Natty 0+v206-0ubuntu0~natty~kupferhope None
specto PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Maverick 0.3.1+bzr156~fmarl6~maverick1 None
specto Kupfer - Ubuntu Maverick 0.3.1+bzr151~fmarl3~maverick1 None
cairo PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Maverick 1.10.0-1ubuntu3~fmarl3 None
python-django PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Maverick 1.2.3-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
liferea PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Maverick 1.7.4-0ubuntu0~fmarl1 None
kiwi PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Maverick 1.9.26-0ubuntu0~fmarl2 None
lightspark PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.4.2-0ubuntu0~fmarl1 None
giggle PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.5-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
transmageddon PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.16-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
keybinder Kupfer - Ubuntu Karmic 0.1.1-0ubuntu0~kupferhope~karmic None
keybinder Kupfer - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.1-0ubuntu0~kupferhope None
gupnp-vala PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.6.5-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
gupnp-av PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.5.5-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
gupnp PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.13.3-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
anjuta-extras PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 2.30.0-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
python-keyring Kupfer - Ubuntu Karmic 0.2-3ubuntu0~kupferhope None
kupfer Kupfer - Ubuntu Karmic 0+pb1.99-1kupferhope3~karmic None
gitg PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.0.6-0ubuntu0~fmarl1 None
fpm2 PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.78-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
opencv PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 2.0.0-3ubuntu3~fmarl None
bluez PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 4.60-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
gnome-phone-manager PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.65-1ubuntu2+git20100123.433be685~fmarl1 None
gnote gnote unstable - Ubuntu Karmic 0.7.1-0ubuntu0~gnoteppateam~karmic None
gnote gnote unstable - Ubuntu Lucid 0.7.1-0ubuntu0~gnoteppateam None
rss-glib PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.2.3-0ubuntu0~fmarl None
vala PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 0.7.8-2ubuntu0~fmarl None
gnome-shell PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 2.28.1~git20091125-1~fmarl None
mutter PPA for Francesco Marella - Ubuntu Lucid 2.28.1~git20091208-1ubuntu1~fmarl None
gnote gnote stable - Ubuntu Karmic 0.6.3-0~gnoteteam1~karmic None
dbus-c++ gnote stable - Ubuntu Karmic 0~20090907-1~gnoteteam2~karmic None
150 of 120 results