Owned teams

Team owners are not always team members. The team participation page shows the teams that Aron Xu is a member of.

18 of 8 teams
Name Summary
Huawei Open Source
IBus Backporters We bring new IBus to old Ubuntu releases.
Launchpad Simplified Chinese Translators 这里是Launchpad简体中文翻译小组,以开源软件的本地化为核心工作。 请小组成员加入本页下方的邮件列表,并以...
Network Simulator Packaging Team
Ubuntu China Translations Contributors 这里是 Ubuntu 中国翻译贡献者小组,以开源软件的本地化为核心工作。如果您想为 Ubuntu 中文化做贡献请阅...
ucimf developers Here is the maintainers of ucimf, the Linux framebuffer c...
18 of 8 teams