Welcome to my personal Launchpad page. Nice of you to stop by :-)

A little info about me... I'm a Linux / Ubuntu / FLOSS enthusiast, trying to contribute where I can.
I've been using Linux since the end of the last millennium but never seriously used it on the desktop until Ubuntu 4.10. Ubuntu has been my main desktop OS since version 5.10.
Contributions so far have been in translations (English to Dutch), reporting bugs, answering questions, advocating Ubuntu where I can, helping friends, family and colleagues to 'make the jump' (and supporting them when they've done so), (co)organizing the Dutch Gutsy Gibbon release party and organizing the very successful Dutch Hardy Heron release party. After the Gutsy Gibbon release party, I joined the Ubuntu-NL loco team, of which I'm still a proud (although dormant) member.

In January 2008, I prepped 20 PC's for shipment to several African countries for Go for Africa and the Timloto foundation. These PC's will be used in education. Of course, they're all shipped with Ubuntu.
More info on the Timloto foundation: http://www.timloto.org/en/home.html
More info on Go for Africa (in Dutch): http://www.goforafrica.nl/

In February 2008, I helped a project called 'De club van 100', which was founded by a Dutch broadcasting company (RVU) which focuses on education. In this project, I again prepped several PC's with Ubuntu. These PC's were then shipped and donated to a centre in the eastern part of Holland, where female refugees meet regularly to socialize and learn to better integrate into the Dutch society. Using these Ubuntu computers, they can do all the basic tasks that are needed to be able to function in a modern society, but they can also use them to communicate with their relatives abroad.
This entire 'operation' has been filmed by the RVU and was broadcast on Dutch national television in March. There's was supposed to be a huge amount of screen time for Ubuntu itself and the ideas & community behind it. However, about 95% of the material was left out. Anyway, I was still pleased by the final result.

See the (edited to display the Ubuntu item only) result for yourself on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kBjvMANvr4
More info on 'De club van 100' (in Dutch): http://www.clubvan100.nl
More info on the RVU (again in Dutch): http://www.rvu.nl

My latest project was organising the Dutch Hardy Heron release party. After the success of the Gutsy release party, we've tried to organize an even bigger, better party to match the 'LTS' status of Hardy. All in all, I think we succeeded. We had 3 simultaneous tracks filled with speakers (16 speeches in total), an install party, a bunch of sponsors and a battery of demo systems. About 650 people attended the party, hundreds of Ubuntu CD's were given away (most of them in exchange for a small donation to cover our costs), more than 20 PC's were 'Ubuntu-fied' and what's most important - everybody had a great time.

Over the recent years, my activity status could be described as 'dormant', I hope to improve on this situation soon.

Finally some 'must-read' links:

Objective #1 - more Linux users! - http://catb.org/~esr/writings/world-domination/world-domination-201.html
A good way to urge companies to get their devices supported in Linux - http://www.kroah.com/log/linux/free_drivers.html

I used to be Ubuntu user #7461 @ (the now defunct) http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net
Linux user #394740 @ (the now defunct) http://counter.li.org

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Icon of Laptop Testing Team
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Dutch, English (United Kingdom)
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