Maintained Packages

5165 of 65 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
chiark-tcl Ubuntu Intrepid 1.1.0 None
sauce Ubuntu Intrepid 0.9.0 None
authbind Ubuntu Hardy 1.2.0 None
chiark-utils Ubuntu Hardy 4.1.24 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Gutsy 1.0.8 None
userv Ubuntu Gutsy 1.0.6 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Feisty 0.8.1 None
chiark-tcl Ubuntu Feisty None
autodebtest Ubuntu Feisty 0.5.3 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Edgy 0.6.1 None
chiark-tcl Ubuntu Edgy 1.0.0 sparc ia64 powerpc i386 amd64
userv Ubuntu Edgy 1.0.5 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Dapper 0.5.3 None
autodebtest Ubuntu Dapper 0.5.2 None
userv Ubuntu Warty 1.0.3-2 None
5165 of 65 results