Related packages

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 31 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
burg-manager ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Maverick 0.1.0-1ubuntu1 None
gobuilder ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Maverick 0.1.90-1ubuntu1 None
virtualgo ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Lucid 0.3.3-1ubuntu1 None
gobuilder ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.11-1ubuntu1 None
virtualgo ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Karmic 0.2.5-1ubuntu1 None
deskterm personal - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.0-1ubuntu1 None
sshelp ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Lucid 0.2.2-1ubuntu1 None
simplehalt ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.0-1ubuntu1 None
shellchat ing.gonzo - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.1-1ubuntu1 None
gobuilder personal - Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.6-1ubuntu1 None