Copied from
ubuntu precise in
Xfce 4.10 packages
by jblgf
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (0.5.11-1~ppa1) precise; urgency=low
* Precise backport for the xfce-4.10 ppa.
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (0.5.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Add a lintian override for hardening flags.
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (0.5.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
- add a way to disable the icon. closes: #552765
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (0.5.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/rules:
- fix removal of .la files.
xfce4-wavelan-plugin (0.5.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* debian/rules:
- switch to dh(1).
- use debhelper 9 and dpkg-dev 1.16.1 hardening support.
- use multiarch paths
- build with --parallel.
- configure with --disable-static.
- use find to delete .la files.
* debian/control:
- drop build-dep on cdbs and hardening-includes.
- update debhelper build-dep to 9 and add build-dep on dpkg-dev 1.16.1.
- replace libxfcegui4 build-dep by libxfce4ui.
- update standards version to 3.9.3.
* debian/compat bumped to 9.
* debian/patches:
- 02_fix-ftbfs-kfreebsd dropped, included upstream.
-- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Sun, 04 Nov 2012 14:39:13 +0100