Owned teams

Team owners are not always team members. The team participation page shows the teams that Jeffrey Elkner is a member of.

114 of 14 teams
Name Summary
APS Grok Students A teacher and group of students from Arlington Public Sch...
CanDo Developers Main cando development team.
GASP Development Team Main GASP development team
GCTAA Developers
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python development team
NHS Service Log Developers Those with permission to commit and make updates to NHS S...
obpdoc developers OpenBookProject Documentation Generator development team.
Open Book Project Contributors to educational resources for the Open Book P...
Proyecto Juan Chacón El "Proyecto Juan Chacón de Software Libre" está dirigid...
Python 4 Fun This team is focused on the development of a collection o...
114 of 14 teams