Publishing details
koverartist (0.5-0ubuntu3~jmarsden1) intrepid; urgency=low
* debian/patches/02_include_cstdlib_for_cddbquery.patch
- Included <cstdlib> in cddbquery.h so cddbquery.cpp will compile
* debian/patches/01_replace_desktop_file.patch
- Replaced existing (auto-generated?) .desktop file with a
koverartist-specific one
- Added French, German, Spanish, Russian i18n to new .desktop file
- Closes (LP: #236140)
* debian/control:
- Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.0
- Improved description of the package
* debian/rules:
- Uncomment simple-patchsys include
- Install .desktop file into /usr/share/applications/kde
- Use current config.sub and config.guess files to keep lintian happy
-- Jonathan Marsden <email address hidden> Sat, 08 Nov 2008 18:22:05 -0800
Built packages
graphical application to create covers for CD/DVD cases and boxes
Package files