Uploaded packages

117 of 17 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
bibletime Ubuntu Oneiric 2.8.1-2 None
xdg-utils Ubuntu Oneiric 1.1.0~rc1-2ubuntu4 None
libfm Ubuntu Oneiric 0.1.15+git-3625952cea-0ubuntu2 None
hardinfo Ubuntu Oneiric 0.5.1-1.1ubuntu4 None
lxsession-edit Ubuntu Oneiric 0.2.0~svn20090913-0ubuntu4 None
lxlauncher Ubuntu Oneiric 0.2.1-3ubuntu3 None
openbox Ubuntu Lucid 3.4.10-1ubuntu0.1 None
openbox Ubuntu Natty None
python2.6 Ubuntu Lucid 2.6.4-1ubuntu2 None
python2.6 Ubuntu Karmic 2.6.4-0ubuntu3 None
bibledit Ubuntu Karmic 3.8-1 None
sword Ubuntu Karmic 1.6.0+dfsg-1 None
firestarter Ubuntu Jaunty 1.0.3-7ubuntu5 None
dhcp3 Ubuntu Jaunty 3.1.1-5ubuntu8 None
koverartist Ubuntu Jaunty 0.5-0ubuntu2 None
apticron Ubuntu Intrepid 1.1.21ubuntu1 None
iriverter Ubuntu Intrepid 0.16-0ubuntu3 None
117 of 17 results