Owned teams

Team owners are not always team members. The team participation page shows the teams that Jono Bacon is a member of.

118 of 18 teams
Name Summary
Acire Team Main Acire development team.
App Of Jaq Devs Hackers on App Of Jaq.
Jaqers People who hack on jaq.
Lernid Developers The Lernid development team.
lolocopter drivers We drive the lolocopter.
Python Snippets Drivers The team behind Python Snippets.
Ubuntu Accomplishments The Ubuntu Accomplishments team.
Ubuntu Accomplishments Admins Admins for the Ubuntu Accomplishments project.
Ubuntu Accomplishments Contributors This team is an open team for contributors to the Ubuntu ...
Ubuntu Accomplishments Daemon Developers
Ubuntu Accomplishments Gallery Admins Admins for the Ubuntu Accomplishments Gallery team.
Ubuntu Accomplishments System Drivers
Ubuntu Accomplishments Viewer Developers
Ubuntu Community A team representing the Ubuntu Community and used for ass...
Ubuntu Community Accomplishments Reviewers Reviewers who can review contributions to the Ubuntu Comm...
Ubuntu Community Design Team A place to talk about ubuntu design collaborative projects.
Ubuntu Desktop Accomplishments Reviewers Reviewers who can review contributions to the Ubuntu Desk...
ubuntu-accomplishments-web-editor-drivers Drivers for the Ubuntu Accomplishments Web Editor project.
118 of 18 teams