Related packages

Uploaded packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 11 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
gpodder Ubuntu Natty 2.14-1 None
example-content Ubuntu Lucid 41 None
example-content Ubuntu Karmic 37 None
conduit Ubuntu Karmic 0.3.16-0ubuntu2 None
gwibber Ubuntu Karmic 1.2.0~bzr346-0ubuntu3 None
listen Ubuntu Karmic 0.6.2-1ubuntu2 None
herrie Ubuntu Karmic 2.2-0ubuntu2 None
imagination Ubuntu Karmic 1.5-1ubuntu2 None
vino Ubuntu Jaunty 2.25.90-0ubuntu1 None
vinagre Ubuntu Jaunty 2.25.90-0ubuntu1 None

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 36 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
unity-place-askubuntu Tools that Integrate with Ask Ubuntu - Ubuntu Natty 0.1-0~33~natty1 None
shotwell Daily test builds - Ubuntu Maverick 1.0+201009231545~maverick1 None
python-snippets python-snippets-daily - Ubuntu Lucid 0.0~99~201004290407 None
groundcontrol GroundControl Daily Builds - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.6.0~268~201004290406 None
groundcontrol GroundControl Daily Builds - Ubuntu Lucid 1.6.0~268~201004290405 None
python-snippets python-snippets-daily - Ubuntu Karmic 0.0~99~201004290404 None
lernid Lernid Daily Builds - Ubuntu Karmic 0.6~203~201004290403 None
quickly Daily build - Ubuntu Lucid 0.2+504 None
groundcontrol GroundControl Daily Builds - Ubuntu Karmic 1.6.0~268~201004280406 None