PPA packages

150 of 251 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
i3-gaps-wm Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Bionic 4.18.2-1~regolith2 None
polybar Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Focal 3.4.3-1ubuntu1 None
td-cli Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Bionic 1.2.4-7 None
python3-i3ipc Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Bionic 2.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa7 None
i3ipc-python Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Bionic 2.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa6 None
ayu-theme Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 0.1.0-1ubuntu1~ppa3 None
compton Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Bionic 7.4-0ubuntu1~ppa2~bionic3 None
i3-gaps-wm Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 4.17.1-1ubuntu1~ppa5 None
regolith-styles Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 2.2.13-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-gnome-flashback Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 1.51-1ubuntu1~ppa2 None
regolith-gnome-flashback Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 2.2.3-1ubuntu1~ppa2 None
remontoire Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 1.0.2-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-i3-gaps-config Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 2.2.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-i3xrocks-config Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 2.2.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-desktop Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 2.45-1ubuntu1~ppa3 None
regolith-i3xrocks-config Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Bionic 2.1.2-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
cahuella Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 1.0.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-ftue Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 1.0.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-i3-gaps-config Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 2.0.4-1ubuntu1~ppa1~disco None
i3-snapshot Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Bionic 1.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
i3-snapshot Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Bionic 1.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
i3-gaps-wm Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Disco 4.17.1-1ubuntu1~ppa4 None
i3-gaps-wm Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 4.17.1-1ubuntu1~ppa4 None
i3ipc-python Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 2.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa4 None
regolith-desktop Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 2.31-1ubuntu1~disco~ppa1 None
regolith-rofication Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 1.0.6-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-gnome-flashback Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Disco 1.47-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-i3-gaps-config Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 2.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-rofication Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 1.0.4-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
i3xrocks Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 1.2.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-compositor-compton-glx Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 1.0.2-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-compton-config Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 1.7-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-compositor-xcompmgr Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 1.0.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
regolith-compositor-none Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Disco 1.0.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
playerctl Speed Ricer - Ubuntu Eoan 2.0.2-1ubuntu1~ppa2 None
regolith-styles-typeface-materialdesign Regolith Linux - Unstable - Ubuntu Eoan 1.02-1ubuntu1~ppa1 None
150 of 251 results