Maintained Packages

51100 of 157 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
turbojson Ubuntu Intrepid 1.1.2-1 None
turbogears Ubuntu Intrepid None
ruledispatch Ubuntu Intrepid 0.5a.svn20080510-1 None
python-cherrypy Ubuntu Intrepid 2.3.0-1 None
configobj Ubuntu Intrepid 4.5.2-1 None
decoratortools Ubuntu Intrepid 1.7-1 None
gazpacho Ubuntu Hardy 0.7.2-1 None
python-cherrypy Ubuntu Edgy 2.2.1-3ubuntu0.1 None
turbogears Ubuntu Hardy None
python-cherrypy Ubuntu Hardy 2.2.1-4 None
cherrypy3 Ubuntu Hardy 3.0.2-2 None
ruledispatch Ubuntu Hardy 0.5a.svn20070626-3 None
nose Ubuntu Hardy 0.10.0-1 None
decoratortools Ubuntu Hardy 1.4-2 None
software-properties Ubuntu Hardy 0.60.debian-1 None
pyprotocols Ubuntu Hardy 1.0a.svn20070625-2 None
configobj Ubuntu Gutsy 4.4.0-2 None
cherrypy3 Ubuntu Gutsy 3.0.2-1 None
pyprotocols Ubuntu Gutsy 1.0a0dev-6 None
nose Ubuntu Gutsy 0.9.2-3 None
turbokid Ubuntu Gutsy 1.0.1-1 None
turbojson Ubuntu Gutsy 1.0-1 None
turbogears Ubuntu Gutsy None
gazpacho Ubuntu Gutsy 0.7.1-1 None
gnome-mag Ubuntu Feisty 1:0.14.1-0ubuntu3 None
kiwi Ubuntu Feisty 1.9.13-0ubuntu1 None
devhelp Ubuntu Feisty 0.13-1ubuntu1 None
turbogears Ubuntu Feisty 1.0-1 None
glade-3 Ubuntu Feisty 3.1.4-0ubuntu3 None
libgksu Ubuntu Feisty 2.0.3-3ubuntu1 None
ruledispatch Ubuntu Feisty 0.5adev-5 None
pyprotocols Ubuntu Feisty 1.0a0dev-5 None
glade Ubuntu Feisty 2.12.1-6ubuntu1 None
desktop-base Ubuntu Feisty 0.3.20 None
gksu Ubuntu Feisty 2.0.0-1ubuntu1 None
turbokid Ubuntu Feisty 0.9.9-1 None
nose Ubuntu Feisty 0.9.0-2 None
turbojson Ubuntu Feisty 0.9.5-1 None
apt-howto Ubuntu Feisty 2.0.2-2 None
libgksu Ubuntu Edgy 1.9.8-1ubuntu4 None
devhelp Ubuntu Breezy 0.10-1ubuntu2.1 None
glade-3 Ubuntu Edgy 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 ia64
gnome-mag Ubuntu Edgy 1:0.13.1-0ubuntu3 None
kiwi Ubuntu Edgy 1.9.9-1ubuntu1 i386
glade Ubuntu Edgy 2.12.1-5ubuntu2 None
devhelp Ubuntu Edgy 0.12-0ubuntu4 None
gksu Ubuntu Edgy 1.9.3-1ubuntu2 None
libgksu1.2 Ubuntu Edgy 1.3.8-1ubuntu1 None
turbojson Ubuntu Edgy 0.9.3-2 None
ruledispatch Ubuntu Edgy 0.5adev-3 None
51100 of 157 results