PPA packages

150 of 83 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Stable - Ubuntu Xenial 29.4~16.04~stableppa1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Stable - Ubuntu Bionic 29.4~18.04~stableppa1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Stable - Ubuntu Focal 29.4~20.04~stableppa1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Stable - Ubuntu Jammy 29.4~22.04~stableppa1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Stable - Ubuntu Lunar 29.4~23.04~stableppa1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Stable - Ubuntu Mantic 29.4~stableppa1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Lunar 29.3~23.04~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Jammy 29.3~22.04~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Focal 29.3~20.04~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Bionic 29.3~18.04~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Xenial 29.3~16.04~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Mantic 29.3~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Kinetic 27.14.2~22.10.1~rc1 None
update-notifier PPA for Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu Bionic None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Impish 27.10~21.10.1~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Staging - Ubuntu Hirsute 27.6~21.04.1~rc1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Daily - Ubuntu Impish 28.0-1218~g227fe64~ubuntu21.10.1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Daily - Ubuntu Hirsute 28.0-1218~g227fe64~ubuntu21.04.1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Daily - Ubuntu Xenial 28.0-1218~g227fe64~ubuntu16.04.1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Daily - Ubuntu Bionic 28.0-1218~g227fe64~ubuntu18.04.1 None
ubuntu-advantage-tools UA Client Daily - Ubuntu Focal 28.0-1218~g227fe64~ubuntu20.04.1 None
update-notifier update-notifier-ppa - Ubuntu Focal None
update-notifier update-notifier-ppa - Ubuntu Bionic None
update-notifier update-notifier-ppa - Ubuntu Xenial 3.168.15~ppa5 None
update-notifier update-notifier-ppa - Ubuntu Hirsute None
150 of 83 results