Publishing details
latexila (3.17.0-1~wily~ppa0) wily; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
* Upstream changelog:
- Integrated file browser: new buttons to open the current directory in a
file manager (e.g. Nautilus) or in the terminal (Arnaud Blouin)
- Completion: close environment in a different user action, to have two
undo actions (Stefano Facchini)
- Add indent/unindent to the edit menu (the feature was already available
with Tab and Shift Tab).
- Ctrl+PgUp/PgDown for tab switching
- Better read-only mode for default build tools.
- Use an headerbar for the dialog windows
- Rewrite of the templates feature
-- Matthieu Baerts (matttbe) <email address hidden> Mon, 27 Jul 2015 18:58:33 +0200
Built packages
LaTeX editor designed for the GNOME desktop
LaTeXila editor -- arch-independent files
Package files