Related packages

Maintained packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 39 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
valknut Debian Sid 0.4.9-2.1 None
juffed Ubuntu Wily 0.9.1137-1ubuntu6 None
valknut Ubuntu Wily 0.4.9-2ubuntu2 None
libdc0 Debian Sid 0.3.24~svn3121-2.1 None
libdc0 Ubuntu Wily 0.3.24~svn3121-2ubuntu1 None
juffed Ubuntu Vivid 0.9.1137-1ubuntu4 None
steadyflow Ubuntu Utopic 0.2.0-1.1ubuntu1 None
steadyflow Debian Sid 0.2.0-1.1 None
valknut Ubuntu Trusty 0.4.9-2ubuntu1 None
juffed Ubuntu Trusty 0.9.1137-1ubuntu3 None

Uploaded packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 124 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
quodlibet Ubuntu Jammy 4.4.0-2ubuntu0.1 None
gnome-shell-extensions Ubuntu Quantal 3.4.0-0ubuntu1 None
gtkpod Ubuntu Oneiric 2.1.0-1ubuntu1 None
xvidcore Ubuntu Oneiric 2:1.3.2-3 None
faac Ubuntu Oneiric 1.28-0ubuntu1 None
easytag Ubuntu Oneiric 2.1.6+git20110423-3ubuntu1 None
liferea Ubuntu Oneiric 1.6.4-1ubuntu8 None
arora Ubuntu Oneiric 0.11.0-0ubuntu1 None
gedit-plugins Ubuntu Oneiric 3.0.3-1 None
emerald Ubuntu Natty 0.7.2-0ubuntu6.1 None

PPA packages

Displaying first 10 packages out of 78 total
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
xivlauncher-core XIVLauncher Core stable builds - Ubuntu Jammy 1.0.6-0~ubuntu22.04.1 None
xivlauncher-core Temp PPA for bug reproduction - Ubuntu Jammy 1.0.3-0~ubuntu22.04.1 None
android-file-transfer-linux Android File Transfer - Ubuntu Vivid 2.0-0ubuntu0+ppa1 None
autovala autovala - Ubuntu Trusty 0.99.3-0ubuntu0+lucidfox3 None
ephyflow Steadyflow Stable Builds - Ubuntu Precise 0.1-0+sikon1+precise1 None
steadyflow Steadyflow Stable Builds - Ubuntu Precise 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~sikon1+precise None

Synchronised packages

2 packages
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
easytag Ubuntu Quantal 2.1.7-2 None
smplayer Ubuntu Quantal 0.8.0-1 None