Font development experimental archive

PPA description

This ppa contains snapshot packages of software that is in active development. The packages may not pass tests or only be partially working (generally they should work), and are provided as a means for people to get hold of recent changes to packages that have not yet been released via other channels.

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:martin-hosken/fontdev to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:martin-hosken/fontdev
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

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Signing key:
1024R/0B153B6E2C3BA0F72214788EE0974E8882074CC8 (What is this?)

For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact mhosken.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

134 of 34 results
Package Version Uploaded by
graphite-graide 0.8-1palaso1 mhosken ()
graphite-graide 0.5.2-1+238+ mhosken ()
graphite-graide 0.5.2-1+238+ mhosken ()
graphite-graide 0.5.2-1+237 mhosken ()
graphite2 (Newer version available) mhosken ()
graphite2 1.2.4-1~palaso1+1202 mhosken ()
graphite2 1.2.4-1~palaso1+1202 mhosken ()
grcompiler 5.0-1~palaso1 mhosken ()
grcompiler 4.2-1+375+ mhosken ()
grcompiler 4.2-1+375+ mhosken ()
grcompiler 4.2-1+375+ mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-perl 1.04.1-1palaso1 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-perl 1.04-1palaso1 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-perl 1.04-1palaso1 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-perl 1.03-1~202 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-scripts-perl 1.04.2-1palaso1 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-scripts-perl 1.04.2-1palaso1 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-scripts-perl 1.04.1-1palaso1 mhosken ()
libfont-ttf-scripts-perl 1.04-1~394 mhosken ()
libtext-unicode-equivalents-perl 0.05-1~precise1 mhosken ()
libtext-unicode-equivalents-perl 0.05-1~precise1 mhosken ()
libtext-unicode-equivalents-perl 0.05-1~precise1 mhosken ()
libtext-unicode-equivalents-perl 0.05-1~precise1 mhosken ()
python-palaso 0.7.3-1+322+ mhosken ()
python-palaso 0.6.0-1+309 mhosken ()
python-palaso 0.6.0-1+302+ mhosken ()
python-palaso 0.6.0-1+302+ mhosken ()
smith 0.3.1-1ubuntu1 mhosken ()
smith 0.2-1palaso1~2895 mhosken ()
smith 0.1-1+2875 mhosken ()
smith 0.1-1+2875 mhosken ()
teckit 2.5.2-1ubuntu1-lucid1.1+precise1 mhosken ()
teckit 2.5.2-1ubuntu1-lucid1.1+precise1 mhosken ()
teckit 2.5.2-1ubuntu1-lucid1.1+precise1 mhosken ()
134 of 34 results

Latest updates

  • grcompiler 480 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • smith 504 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • graphite2 514 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • python-palaso 523 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • graphite-graide 523 weeks ago
    Successfully built