MOTU Meeting Week 5

We want to have a MOTU Meeting in calendar week 5. When is the best time for you?

The meeting will happen in #ubuntu-meeting on Freenode, as usual.

Please check with #ubuntu-motu before adding new options, and check that there is no other meeting already scheduled in #ubuntu-meeting.

Simple Voting
Public Votes (Anyone can see a person's vote)

Voting options

Name Title Active
thursday Thu, Feb 2, 20.00h UTC Yes
tuesday Tue, Jan 31, 14.00h UTC Yes
Wednesday Wed, Feb 1, 20.00h UTC Yes

Voting has closed

Voting closed .


The winner(s) of this poll is(are) Wed, Feb 1, 20.00h UTC, Thu, Feb 2, 20.00h UTC

Here are the number of votes each option received.

Option Votes
Thu, Feb 2, 20.00h UTC 2
Tue, Jan 31, 14.00h UTC 1
Wed, Feb 1, 20.00h UTC 2