PPA packages

150 of 56 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Xenial 2.0.18-0ubuntu1~xenial1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Disco 2.0.18-0ubuntu1~disco1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Cosmic 2.0.18-0ubuntu1~cosmic1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Bionic 2.0.18-0ubuntu1~bionic1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Artful 2.0.15-0ubuntu1~artful3 None
kaffeine PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Bionic 2.0.15-0ubuntu1~bionic3 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Zesty 2.0.14-0ubuntu1~zesty1 None
kaffeine PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Xenial 2.0.13-0ubuntu1~xenial1 None
kaffeine PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Zesty 2.0.12-0ubuntu1~zesty1 None
kaffeine PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Yakkety 2.0.12-0ubuntu1~yakkety1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Yakkety 2.0.10-0ubuntu1~yakkety1 None
w-scan PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Xenial 20170107-1ubuntu1~xenial1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Git - Ubuntu Xenial 2.0.6-git67286-0ubuntu1~xenial1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Git - Ubuntu Wily 1.3git-0ubuntu1~ppa14 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Wily 1.2.2-4ubuntu1~wily1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Vivid 1.2.2-4ubuntu1~vivid1 None
kaffeine PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Trusty 1.2.2-4ubuntu1~trusty1 None
libva PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Trusty 1.3.2.pre2-1015~5f818c8-ppa1~trusty None
eee1015pn-acpitools eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Trusty 0.11.0-1~trusty1 None
eee1015pn-acpitools eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Saucy 0.11.0-1~saucy1 None
eee1015pn-acpitools eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Precise 0.11.0-1~precise1 None
acpi-call eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Trusty 1.1.2-1~trustyppa1 None
mpv PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Precise 1:0.3.4~precise1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Trusty 1.2.2-3ubuntu2~trusty5 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Saucy 1.2.2-3ubuntu2~saucy5 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Raring 1.2.2-3ubuntu2~raring5 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Precise 1.2.2-3ubuntu2~precise5 None
eee1015pn-acpitools eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Raring 0.10.1-1~raring1 None
eee1015pn-acpitools eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Quantal 0.10.1-1~quantal1 None
bbswitch PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Saucy 0.7-1~saucyppa1 None
acpi-call PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Saucy 1.1.2-1~saucyppa1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Git - Ubuntu Precise 1.3dev-0ubuntu1~git.fc5b548~ppa1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Quantal 1.2.2-3ubuntu2~quantal4 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Lucid 1.2.2-3ubuntu2~lucid4 None
eee1015pn-acpitools eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Oneiric 0.9.3-1~oneiric1 None
acpi-call eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Quantal 1.1.1-2~quantal1 None
acpi-call eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Precise 1.1.1-2~precise1 None
acpi-call eeepc-1015PN vga helper scripts - Ubuntu Oneiric 1.1.1-2~oneiric1 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Oneiric 1.2.2-1ubuntu4~oneiricppa2 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Natty 1.2.2-1ubuntu4~nattyppa2 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Maverick 1.2.2-1ubuntu4~maverickppa2 None
kaffeine Kaffeine Git - Ubuntu Lucid 1.3git-0ubuntu1~ppa12 None
pure-ftpd PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Lucid 1.0.32-1~ppa1 None
mms PPA for mtron - Ubuntu Lucid 1:1.1.2~pre8~lucid3 None
xine-lib-1.2 Kaffeine Git - Ubuntu Lucid 1.2.0~hg20110207-1ubuntu1~lucidppa1 None
xine-lib-1.2 Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Lucid 1.2.0~hg20110207-0ubuntu1~lucidppa2 None
xine-lib-1.2 Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Maverick 1.2.0~hg20110207-0ubuntu1~maverickppa2 None
xine-lib-1.2 Kaffeine Stable - Ubuntu Natty 1.2.0~hg20110207-0ubuntu1~nattyppa2 None
150 of 56 results