Publishing details


php5 (5.4.1-1) precise; urgency=high

  * Imported Upstream version 5.4.1
    + Fixed insufficient validating of upload name leading to corrupted
      $_FILES indices). (CVE-2012-1172).
    + Add open_basedir checks to readline_write_history and
    + Add Apache 2.4 support (.deb package in experimental comming soon)
    + Added debug info handler to DOM objects.
  * Remove Breaks: on php applications on maintainer requests:
    + simplesamlphp
    + php-horde-auth
  * Add better configuration snippet for CGI (Closes: #571795)
  * Update a description of PHP language based on the text from upstream
    web page (
  * Enable embed SAPI (Closes: #380731)
 -- Nikolai Bochev <email address hidden>   Wed, 02 May 2012 11:40:30 +0300

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