Publishing details
checkbox-editor (0.10-0jaunty1~rev121) jaunty; urgency=low
* Blanks are preserved when job files are read/written (LP: #632178)
* checkbox-editor icon added (LP: #641520)
* Manpage added (LP: #641537)
* Tooltips added to menus and dialogs
* Write to log file with DEBUG log level by default (LP: #651221)
* Problems can be reported through apport (LP: #640284)
* Syntax/Configuration problems displayed in dialog (LP: #510091)
* Cycle detection added for job files (LP: #644370)
* Resources whitelisted depending on configuration (LP: #656911)
* Statistics displayed (for each root file and for the while shared directory) (LP: #666938)
* Bzr revision information added to status bar for branches (LP: #667137)
* Support for extra validation methods and default description value added (LP: #631684)
* User is dialog provides some advice to reload shared directory when
environment variables have been modified (LP: #583104)
* Editor instance object not created during module import (LP: #670900)
* Shared directory reloaded when changes pulled (LP: #667481)
* Ability to select any job as a dependency added (LP: #619714)
* New row path added to name cache when appended (LP: #674220)
* Jobs defined in files not under the opened directory cannot be
edited (LP: #730852)
* Widgets in toolbar and tools menu reordered to: pull, commit, push
(LP: #733336)
* Copy jobs on drag&drop when they aren't under the opened directory
(LP: #730866)
* Set text color in invalid fields to white to improve contrast with
the red background (LP: #680637)
* Shortcuts to add/remove rows in the treeview added (LP: #735828)
* Put/Copy/Paste added (LP: #733347)
-- Javier Collado <email address hidden> Fri, 18 Mar 2011 18:58:15 +0100
Built packages
Checkbox Editor
Package files