Publishing details


python-oq-hazardlib (0.14.0-0~trusty01) trusty; urgency=low

  [Matteo Nastasi, Daniele ViganĂ²]
  * Add binary package support for both Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
    and Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Introduced a compact representation of the GMFs as a single array

  [Graeme Weatherill]
  * Implements Dost et al (2004) Induced Seismicity GMPE
  * Implements Atkinson (2015) Induced Seismicity GMPE
  * Adds new tectonic region type "Induced" to constants

  [Graeme Weatherill]
  * Adds 'hypo_loc' slot to RuptureContext object
  * Implements Abrahamson et al. (2015) BC Hydro GMPE
  * Adds backarc term to the Site and SiteCollection object

  [Marco Pagani]
  * Fixes a bug in the calculation of the hanging wall term of the Abrahamson
    et al. (2014)

  [Yen-Shin Chen]
  * Simple fault: added a method to finds the index of the fault patch including the hypocentre.
  * Base surface: fixes mesh input in get_hypo_location method
  * Near fault: implementing the Chiou & Spudich(2014) direcitivty model, the methods needed in the model.

  [Yen-Shin Chen]
  * Simple fault: added a method to retrieve the vertexes of a patch given its index
  * Base surface: added a method to get a set of point representing a resampled top edge

 -- Matteo Nastasi (GEM Foundation) <email address hidden>  Thu, 07 May 2015 09:34:15 +0200


Built packages

Package files