Publishing details


python-oq-engine (1.6.0-0~precise01) precise; urgency=low

  [Daniele ViganĂ²]
  * Added the oq_reset_db script. It removes and recreates the database and
    the datastore

  [Matteo Nastasi]
  * Demos moved to /usr/share/openquake/risklib

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Removed the 'view' button from the Web UI
  * Removed the epsilon_sampling configuration parameter
  * Made customizable the display_name of datastore outputs (before it was
    identical to the datastore key)
  * The zip files generated for internal use of the Web UI are now hidden
  * Made visible to the engine only the exportable outputs of the datastore
  * Closed explicitly the datastore after each calculation
  * Replaced the old scenario calculators with the HDF5-based calculators
  * Fixed a very subtle bug in the association queries: some sites outside
    of the region constraint were not discarded in some situations
  * Removed the self-termination feature `terminate_job_when_celery_is_down`
  * Removed the epsilon sampling "feature" from the scenario_risk calculator
  * Replaced the event based calculators based on Postgres with the new ones
    based on the HDF5 technology

 -- Matteo Nastasi (GEM Foundation) <email address hidden>  Tue, 17 Nov 2015 11:29:47 +0100

Available diffs


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Package files