Publishing details


python-oq-hazardlib (0.22.0-0~trusty01) trusty; urgency=low

  [Marco Pagani, Meya Yanger Walling]
  * Implements the Megawati et al. (2003) GMPE for Singapore
  * Fixed the sourcewriter in the case of NRML 0.5 sources with weights

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Improved the error message for XML files which are not NRML
  * Added a test making sure that every GSIM is listed in the API documentation
  * Added a `logscale(x_min, x_max, n)` function in
  * Updated the documentation of the API
  * Moved the NRML-related functionality from the engine into hazardlib
    in order to have an engine-independent Hazard Modeler Toolkit

  [Daniele ViganĂ²]
  * Add dependencies to
  * Update Copyright to 2017

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Moved from the engine inside baselib; stored the surface nodes
    inside the Surface classes
  * Added more functions to compute mean and quantiles
  * Cached the correlation matrix for speed

  [Marco Pagani, Michele Simionato]
  * Extended the hazard curve calculator to manage mutually exclusive probabilities

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Made calc_hazard_curves parallelizable
  * Moved the parallelization library of the engine into baselib
  * Fixed a Python 3 issue in git_suffix
  * Added support for AccumDict of accumulators
  * Made the RtreeFilter pickleable
  * Made the FilteredSiteCollections serializable to HDF5

  [Daniele ViganĂ²]
  * MANIFEST now includes all files, with any extension located in the
    tests folders. It is now possible to run tests from an installation
    made with packages

  [Ozkan Kale, Graeme Weatherill]
  * Implements the Kale et al. (2015) GMPE for Turkey and Iran

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Fixed a 32 bit issue when the FilteredSiteCollection

  [Marco Pagani]
  * Add the azimuth 'distance' parameter

  [Graeme Weatherill]
  * Modifies the Ry0 calculator for the planar rupture to avoid
    creating the Mesh

  [Michele Simionato]
  * Removed the rupture_site_filter from the calculators
  * Removed the speedups and optimized the distance calculations at the
    numpy level

 -- Matteo Nastasi (GEM Foundation) <email address hidden>  Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:27:14 +0100

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