User information
- Languages:
- Brazilian Portuguese, English, Portuguese
- OpenPGP keys:
- 78507029F488F1EB8D7146B599012B0F0F173ECE
- SSH keys:
- Time zone:
- America/Sao_Paulo (UTC-0300)
- Karma:
- 87 Karma help
All assigned blueprints Assigned blueprints
Publish to Debian and Ubuntu
for MMRRSim
As soon as a package is availabe, publish the software in Debian, and ask Ubuntu to pull it. Consult people in the Debian Science group on what is necessary for this.
Provide proper debian packaging
for MMRRSim
Recipes here in launchpad can create debian packages if the tarball is located in file debian/watch, and a branch contains the packaging information. Prepare this infrastructure for autogenerating .deb packages and publish in a PPA for ease of use.
API documentation
for MMRRSim
MMRRSim provides an API that enables power users to conduct complex experiments. This API needs proper documentation.
Ask for code review from experts
for MMRRSim
There are people who can review the code for best programming practices and optimize implementation. This blueprint tracks the progress of Best Practices implementation to the code.
Basic User Documentation for MMRRSim
for MMRRSim
The code for MMRRSim needs basic usage documentation. Provide full documentation to the config file, and CLI.
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