Uploaded packages

150 of 4304 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Jammy 299-1~bpo22.04.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Lunar 300.1-1~bpo23.04.1 None
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Lunar 298-1~bpo23.04.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Kinetic 296-1~bpo22.10.1 None
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Kinetic 294-1~bpo22.10.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Impish 271-1~bpo21.10.1 None
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Focal 265-1~bpo20.04.1 amd64
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Impish 265-1~bpo21.10.1 None
libvirt-dbus Ubuntu Jammy 1.4.1-1ubuntu1 None
libvirt Ubuntu Jammy 8.0.0-1ubuntu5 None
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Hirsute 251-1~ubuntu21.04.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Hirsute 252-1~ubuntu21.04.1 None
cockpit-machines Ubuntu Groovy 248-1~ubuntu20.10.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Groovy 248-1~ubuntu20.10.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Bionic 215-1~ubuntu18.04.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Disco 215-1~ubuntu19.04.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Eoan 215-1~ubuntu19.10.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Cosmic 198-1~ubuntu18.10.1 i386
libssh Ubuntu Cosmic 0.8.1-1ubuntu0.2 None
cockpit Ubuntu Xenial 178-1~ubuntu16.04.1 None
cockpit Ubuntu Artful 164-1~ubuntu17.10.1 None
gnome-pkg-tools Ubuntu Bionic 0.20.0ubuntu2 None
cockpit Ubuntu Zesty 158-1~ubuntu17.04.1 None
packagekit Ubuntu Xenial 0.8.17-4ubuntu6~gcc5.4ubuntu1.2 None
cockpit Ubuntu Yakkety 146-1~ubuntu16.10.1 None
runc Ubuntu Zesty 1.0.0~rc2-0ubuntu3 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Yakkety 4.3~ubuntu16.10.1 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Trusty 4.3~ubuntu14.04.1 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Xenial 4.3~ubuntu16.04.1 None
resolvconf Ubuntu Zesty 1.79ubuntu4 None
ubuntustudio-meta Ubuntu Zesty 0.163 None
udisks2 Ubuntu Zesty 2.1.8-1git1 None
network-manager Ubuntu Zesty 1.4.2-2ubuntu4 None
xubuntu-meta Ubuntu Zesty 2.209 None
lubuntu-meta Ubuntu Zesty 0.73 None
kubuntu-meta Ubuntu Zesty 1.346 None
systemd Ubuntu Yakkety 231-9ubuntu2 None
systemd Ubuntu Xenial 229-4ubuntu13 None
autopkgtest Ubuntu Zesty 4.2.1git1 None
lightdm Ubuntu Zesty 1.21.1-0ubuntu2 None
gnutls28 Ubuntu Zesty 3.5.6-4ubuntu1 None
util-linux Ubuntu Zesty 2.29-1ubuntu1 None
systemd Ubuntu Trusty 204-5ubuntu20.20 None
init-system-helpers Ubuntu Trusty 1.14ubuntu1 None
nplan Ubuntu Zesty 0.15 None
nplan Ubuntu Xenial 0.14~16.04 None
json-c Ubuntu Zesty 0.12.1-1ubuntu1 None
dnsmasq Ubuntu Zesty 2.76-4build1 None
postgresql-common Ubuntu Zesty 177git1 None
postgresql-9.1 Ubuntu Trusty 9.1.24-0ubuntu0.14.04 None
150 of 4304 results