Maintained Packages

111 of 11 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
xffm-icons Ubuntu Feisty 4.5.0-0ubuntu2 None
gfa Ubuntu Feisty 0.4.1-0ubuntu1 None
xffm-trash Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu2 None
xffm-proc Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu2 None
xffm-recent Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 None
xffm-locate Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 None
xffm-icons Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 None
xffm-fstab Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 None
xffm-book Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 None
xffm-applications Ubuntu Edgy 4.5.0-0ubuntu1 None
keepassx Ubuntu Edgy 0.2.2-0ubuntu1 None
111 of 11 results