armhf build of solarc-theme 800c997-1 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
armhf build of regolith-system in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
armhf build of rofi 1.5.4-1~ubuntu18.04 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
armhf build of regolith-lightdm-config 1.0.6-1 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
armhf build of arc-icon-theme 20161122-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
armhf build of ayu-theme 0.2.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
armhf build of cahuella 1.0.2-1 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
armhf build of regolith-st 0.8.2-1ubuntu20ppa5 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
armhf build of regolith-gdm3-theme 2.0.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu groovy RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-i3-gaps-config 2.4.13-1 in ubuntu bionic RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-i3-gaps-config 2.4.13-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-i3-gaps-config 2.4.13-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-gnome-flashback 2.4.13-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-gnome-flashback 2.4.13-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 3.0.18-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 3.0.18-1 in ubuntu focal RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-gnome-flashback 2.4.2-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of remontoire 1.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of remontoire 1.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-rofication 1.0.9-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of remontoire 1.1.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-rofication 1.0.9-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-rofication 1.0.9-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-ftue 1.0.3-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-compositor-compton-glx 1.0.5-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-desktop 2.49-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-compositor-compton-glx 1.0.5-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-compositor-compton-glx 1.0.5-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-ftue 1.0.3-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-styles 2.3.5-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-desktop 2.49-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-ftue 1.0.3-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-desktop 2.49-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-styles 2.3.5-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-gnome-flashback 2.4.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-i3-gaps-config 2.3.4-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 2.2.14-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-i3-gaps-config 2.3.4-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-i3-gaps-config 2.3.4-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-gnome-flashback 2.4.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-styles 2.3.5-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 2.2.14-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-gnome-flashback 2.4.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 2.2.14-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-styles 2.2.15-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-styles 2.2.15-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-styles 2.2.15-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
arm64 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 2.2.6-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
i386 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 2.2.6-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE
amd64 build of regolith-i3xrocks-config 2.2.6-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu eoan RELEASE