FlightGear Flight Simulator Daily

PPA description

This PPA contains daily builds (if there are any changes on that day) of FlightGear and SimGear from their repositories. Note that some builds may not work correctly (either due to bugs in code or in compiling/linking errors).

The flightgear and simgear packages will be updated roughly every two hours (given that there's a change). The flightgear-data package will be updated every 1-2 weeks.

If you are looking for the last stable released version, use https://launchpad.net/~saiarcot895/+archive/flightgear.

=== Using Debdelta ===

I've added support for using debdelta to reduce the download size when upgrading from one package to another, but at the cost of increasing CPU usage. This is beneficial if you have a decently powerful computer, but slow or limited network connectivity. To start using it:

1. Install debdelta (sudo apt install debdelta).
2. Open up /etc/debdelta/sources.conf. The default file has two entries for Debian; you'll probably want to comment these out or remove them. Add in the following into the file, then save it and close it:

[main ubuntu archive]
Label=FlightGear Flight Simulator Daily

3. Run "sudo gpg --homedir /etc/debdelta/gnupg/ --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 0x203B47C2C66B784B". This installs my personal GPG key, which is used to sign my debdeltas repo
4. Run "sudo apt update" to update your package lists.
5. Run "sudo debdelta-upgrade --deb-policy b,e" to get whatever debdelta files are available (based on the configuration you have in /etc/debdelta/sources.conf) and patch them into the existing debs you already have.
6. Run "sudo apt upgrade" to upgrade your packages. If everything worked out correctly, your download size should be smaller (much smaller in the case of not having to download data packages).

See https://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=31818#p306580 for more information on this.

If you need help with installing FlightGear, click on my name below in the "Adding this PPA to your system" section.

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:saiarcot895/flightgear-edge to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/flightgear-edge
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/saiarcot895/flightgear-edge/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/saiarcot895/flightgear-edge/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
Signing key:
1024R/E6200BDA4A746F2A1F7FFD3FE6A17451DC058F40 (What is this?)


For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Saikrishna Arcot.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

112 of 12 results
Package Version Uploaded by
flightgear 1:2020.4.0~16069+git4cd9f9094-0ubuntu1~ppa1~23.10.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear 1:2020.4.0~16069+git4cd9f9094-0ubuntu1~ppa1~23.04.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear 1:2020.4.0~16069+git4cd9f9094-0ubuntu1~ppa1~22.04.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear 1:2020.4.0~16069+git4cd9f9094-0ubuntu1~ppa1~20.04.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear-data 1:2020.4.0~10403+git5f6677360+dfsg-0ubuntu1~ppa1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear-data 1:2020.4.0~10403+git5f6677360+dfsg-0ubuntu1~ppa1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear-data 1:2020.4.0~10403+git5f6677360+dfsg-0ubuntu1~ppa1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
flightgear-data 1:2020.4.0~10403+git5f6677360+dfsg-0ubuntu1~ppa1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
simgear 1:2020.4.0~6249+gitf8a3faab-0ubuntu1~ppa1~23.10.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
simgear 1:2020.4.0~6249+gitf8a3faab-0ubuntu1~ppa1~23.04.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
simgear 1:2020.4.0~6249+gitf8a3faab-0ubuntu1~ppa1~22.04.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
simgear 1:2020.4.0~6249+gitf8a3faab-0ubuntu1~ppa1~20.04.1 Saikrishna Arcot ()
112 of 12 results

Latest updates

  • flightgear 37 weeks ago
    Failed to build: arm64
  • flightgear 37 weeks ago
    Failed to build: amd64
  • flightgear 37 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • flightgear 37 weeks ago
    Failed to build: arm64
  • simgear 37 weeks ago
    Failed to build: arm64