Graphics - various (Xenial & newer)

PPA description

Graphics PPA (many graphics packages and dependencies) for Xenial & newer.

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A set of graphics software packages providing notably newer versions for many well-used libraries to the past few years of Ubuntu-based releases.

                    Graphics - various (Xenial & newer)

abseil (0~20220623.1), agg (2.6.1-r134), aom (3.6.1), armadillo (10.8.2), arpack (3.8.0), assimp (5.2.5), c-blosc (1.21.1), cairo (1.16.0 security fix), cfitsio (4.0.0), chafa (1.12.4), charls (2.4.1), darktable (4.4.2), dav1d (1.2.1), dcmtk (3.6.7), dcraw (9.28 JasPer builds), djvulibre (3.5.28), draco (1.5.5), enblend-enfuse (4.2), entangle (3.0 / 0.7.2 Xenial or ppa:savoury1/gtk-xenial), exactimage (1.0.2 JasPer builds), exiv2 (0.27.6), ffmpegthumbnailer (2.2.2), fontconfig (2.13.1), fonts-urw-base35 (20200910), freeglut (3.4.0), freeimage (3.18.0 Imath builds), freetype (2.12.1), freexl (1.0.6), gdal (3.4.1), gdcm (3.0.14), geeqie (2.0.1), geos (3.10.2), gexiv2 (0.14.2), ghostscript (9.55.0), giflib (5.1.9), gimp-dcraw (1.32), gl2ps (1.4.2), gmic (2.9.7), gphoto2 (2.5.28), graphicsmagick (1.3.35 Focal / 1.3.28 libwebp7 rebuilds), graphviz (2.42.2 security), gsl (2.7.1), gsl23 (2.5 renamed gsl), gthumb (3.12.3 / 3.6.1 Xenial or GTK PPA), gtkimageview (1.6.4), harfbuzz (6.0.0), highway (1.0.7), hugin (2022.0.0), hwloc (2.9.2), ilmbase (3.1.9 = imath), ilmbase24 (2.3.0), ilmbase25 (2.5.8), imagej (1.53t), imagemagick ( Focal / libwebp7), imlib2 (1.7.1), jasper (4.0.0), jbig2dec (0.19), jpeg-xl (0.7.0), json-c (0.17), jxrlib (1.2~git20170615), lcms2 (2.14), lensfun (0.3.3), leptonlib (1.79.0 security), lerc (3.0), libavif (0.11.1), libde265 (1.0.11), libdeflate (1.18), libemf (1.0.13), libexif (0.6.24), libexif-gtk (0.5.0), libgav1 (0.18.0), libgd2 (2.3.0), libgdiplus (6.1), libgeotiff (1.7.0), libgphoto2 (2.5.30), libheif (1.16.2), libimage-exiftool-perl (12.40), libjpeg-turbo (2.1.5), libjxl-testdata (0.0~git20230110), libpng1.6 (1.6.40), libraw (0.20.2), libsixel (1.10.3), libvigraimpex (1.11.1), libwebm (, libwebp (1.3.2), libwmf (0.2.12), libyuv (0.0.1857), libzstd (1.5.5), lua5.4 (5.4.4), nasm (2.16.01), netcdf (4.8.1), nufraw (0.43-3), ogdi-dfsg (4.1.0), onetbb (2021.9.0), opencv (4.5.4 Jammy / 4.2.0 imath rebuilds), openexr (3.1.11), openexr24 (2.3.0), openexr25 (2.5.8), openjpeg2 (2.5.0), openmpi (4.1.4), pmix (4.1.2), poppler (22.02.0), poppler-data (0.4.11), proj (8.2.1), pstoedit (3.7.5), pugixml (1.13.0), qhull (2020.2), rawtherapee (5.9), skcms (0.0~git20230210), snappy (1.1.10), spatialite (5.0.1), superlu (5.3.0), tbb (2020.3), tiff (4.4.0), tinygltf (2.5.0), ucx (1.13.0), vtk6 (6.3.0), vtk7 (7.1.1), wxwidgets3.0 (, wxwidgets3.2 (3.2.2), x265 (3.5 = libx265-199), xscreensaver (6.06)

Focal only: libdbl-perl (1.18 = libdeflate / renamed source for i386)

Xenial & Bionic: epstool, fftw3 (3.3.8), flann (1.9.1), gdk-pixbuf (2.36.12), ilmbase12 (2.2.0), json-c4 (0.13.1), libcroco (0.6.13), libdap (3.20.5), libimagequant, libiptcdata (1.0.5), libjpeg9 (9d), libmng (2.0.3), librsvg (2.40.20), librttopo (1.1.0), libtool, openexr22 (2.2.0), optipng, pcl, potrace (1.16), pycairo (1.16.2), python-gphoto2, sane-backends (1.0.29), simage, tesseract (4.1.1), tesseract-lang, xerces-c (3.2.2), zlib

Xenial only: boost1.65.1, colord (1.3.3), exiv2-14 (0.25.1 renamed for PPA co-existence), glib2.0 (2.56.4), gobject-introspection, gphotofs, gsfonts, hdf5 (1.10.0-patch1), icoutils, icu (60.2), icu-le-hb, libcdk5, libicns, libopenraw (0.1.2), netpbm-free, openmpi2 (2.1.1 renamed openmpi), openssl, perl (5.22 rebuild), php-imagick, plotutils, pysimplesoap, python-{boto,httplib2,imaplib2} (compat with new openssl), qhull (2015.2), zbar (0.10+doc imagemagick rebuild)

Note: New Imath (split out from OpenEXR project) is currently packaged as ilmbase due "imath" source not on the Launchpad i386 whitelist for Focal and newer. Given that Imath (formerly IlmBase) is required for builds of various software that is on the i386 whitelist (eg. gst-plugins-bad1.0) and given ilmbase is already on the i386 whitelist it is easy to package Imath under the old "ilmbase" package name (until hopefully a response to requesting "imath" be added to the i386 package whitelist).


*** Install ***

Notes: Various packages are built with FFmpeg 4.4.x (ppa:savoury1/ffmpeg4) and thus require FFmpeg >= 4.4 to install (ie. libopencv-videoio4.2). For installation of any of these packages please do the following steps first:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/ffmpeg4
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/graphics
  sudo apt-get update

Latest darktable >= 4.4 requires LLVM >= 12 or GCC >= 12 (only in Ubuntu >= 22.04) to build. So for Ubuntu < 22.04 darktable >= 4.4 is being built with LLVM 13 as this version is already found at a PPA with GCC 11 (which requires LLVM 13 for AMD GCN support). For Ubuntu < 22.04 add this PPA:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/gcc-11

Various packages depend on certain backports (ppa:savoury1/backports) for install. These should all be copied here now, but if you find a dependency is missing (and please write me to let me know, so it can be copied here!) then it will likely be in ppa:savoury1/backports which can be added as so:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/backports
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/graphics
  sudo apt-get update

Xenial i386 only: GCC 7.5.0 is required for i386 libvtk6.3 builds which is available at the FFmpeg PPA so please first follow the FFmpeg steps above.

*** Build ***

This PPA has build dependencies on:


Additionally, for Xenial & Bionic:


Additionally, for Xenial only:

  ppa:savoury1/gtk-xenial (specific builds only)
  ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-7 (specific builds only)

Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:savoury1/graphics to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/graphics
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
Signing key:
4096R/E996735927E427A733BB653E374C7797FB006459 (What is this?)


For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Rob Savoury.

PPA statistics

0 updates added during the past month.
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Overview of published packages

150 of 523 results
Package Version Uploaded by
abseil 0~20220623.1-0ubuntu1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 0~20220623.1-0ubuntu1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 0~20220623.1-0ubuntu1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 0~20220623.1-0ubuntu1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
agg 1:2.6.1-r134+dfsg1-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
agg 1:2.6.1-r134+dfsg1-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
agg 1:2.6.1-r134+dfsg1-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aom 3.6.1-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aom 3.6.1-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aom 3.6.1-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aom 3.6.1-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:10.8.2+dfsg-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:10.8.2+dfsg-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:10.8.2+dfsg-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
assimp 5.2.5~ds0-1build1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
assimp 5.2.5~ds0-1build1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
assimp 5.2.5~ds0-1build1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
assimp 5.2.5~ds0-1build1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
boost1.65.1 1.65.1+dfsg-0ubuntu5~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
c-blosc 1.21.1+ds2-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
c-blosc 1.21.1+ds2-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
c-blosc 1.21.1+ds2-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
cairo 1.16.0-5~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
cairo 1.16.0-5~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
cairo 1.16.0-5~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
cfitsio 4.0.0-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
cfitsio 4.0.0-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
cfitsio 4.0.0-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.12.4-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.12.4-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.12.4-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.12.4-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
charls 2.4.1-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
charls 2.4.1-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
charls 2.4.1-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
charls 2.4.1-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
colord 1.3.3-2build1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
darktable 4.4.2-0ubuntu1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
darktable 4.4.2-0ubuntu1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
darktable 4.4.2-0ubuntu1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
darktable 4.4.2-0ubuntu1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
dav1d 1.2.1-2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
dav1d 1.2.1-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
dav1d 1.2.1-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
dav1d 1.2.1-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
dcmtk 3.6.7-9~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
dcmtk 3.6.7-9~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
150 of 523 results

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  • ilmbase 71 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • ilmbase 71 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • ilmbase 71 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • ilmbase 71 weeks ago
    Successfully built
  • openexr 72 weeks ago
    Successfully built