Publishing details


xscreensaver (6.06+dfsg1-3ubuntu0~16.04.sav0) xenial; urgency=medium

  * Backport to Xenial
  * Merge all changes from Ubuntu 6.02+dfsg1-2ubuntu1 package:
    - debian/rules:
      + Use /usr/share/backgrounds as image directory.
      + Add translation domain to .desktop files.
    - debian/
      + Add apport hook.
    - debian/xscreensaver.dirs:
      + Install /usr/share/backgrounds. By default, settings search in
        /usr/share/backgrounds and without it, it displays an error.
    - debian/patches/90_ubuntu-branding.patch: Use Ubuntu branding.
  * Revert unmentioned "Drop transitional libgl1-mesa-dev BD alternative"
  * Revert "Use upstream configure instead of running autoreconf" (using 2.69)
  * d/control: Due previous PPA builds packaging files distinctly from Debian,
    add Conflicts/Replaces xscreensaver-data{-extra} (<< 6.06+dfsg1) to binary
    packages xscreensaver{-data} respectively (OCRAStd.otf and binaryhorizon)
  * d/rules: Add override_dh_missing with --fail-missing (compat level < 13)
  * d/patches: Update {94,96,100}_*.patch to also patch
    - Add revert-to-systemd-pid-check.patch (due older systemd < 232)
  * debian/control: Set debhelper-compat (= 10) BD (LP highest for Xenial)

 -- Rob Savoury <email address hidden>  Sun, 05 Mar 2023 16:46:18 -0800

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files