Related packages

Uploaded packages

1 package
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
checkbox Ubuntu Jaunty 0.7.1 None

PPA packages

9 packages
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
python-django python-django - Ubuntu Trusty 1.6.5-1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa1 None
python-redis Redis - Ubuntu Lucid 2.4.9-1ubuntu1 None
redis Redis - Ubuntu Lucid 2:2.2.12-1ubuntu1 None
znc ZNC - Ubuntu Lucid 0.202-1ubuntu4 None
checkbox Development releases of checkbox (daily builds) - Ubuntu Hardy 0.8~alpha3~hardy~ppa1 None
checkbox Development releases of checkbox (daily builds) - Ubuntu Intrepid 0.8~alpha3~intrepid~ppa1 None
checkbox Development releases of checkbox (daily builds) - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.8~alpha3~jaunty~ppa1 None
checkbox Development releases of checkbox (daily builds) - Ubuntu Karmic 0.8~alpha3~karmic~ppa1 None
checkbox PPA for Dave Murphy - Ubuntu Intrepid pre0.6 None