Maintained Packages

150 of 93 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
desktop-base Debian Stretch 9.0.2+deb9u1 None
desktop-base Debian Sid 9.0.5 None
desktop-base Debian Experimental 9.0.0~exp2 None
notify-python Debian Sid 0.1.1-4 None
notify-python Ubuntu Quantal 0.1.1-3build1 None
directoryassistant Debian Sid 2.0-1.1 None
notebook Ubuntu Precise 0.2rel-2.2 None
notebook Debian Sid 0.2rel-2.2 None
desktop-base Ubuntu Precise 6.0.7 None
kerneltop Debian Squeeze 0.8-2+squeeze1 None
python-gdata Ubuntu Oneiric 2.0.14-2 None
desktop-base Ubuntu Oneiric 6.0.6 None
python-gdata Debian Sid 2.0.14-2 None
desktop-base Debian Squeeze 6.0.5squeeze1 None
kerneltop Ubuntu Natty 0.8-2.1 None
kerneltop Debian Sid 0.8-2.1 None
sawzall Debian Experimental 1.0-1 None
desktop-base Ubuntu Natty 6.0.5 None
notify-python Ubuntu Natty 0.1.1-2build4 None
desktop-base Ubuntu Maverick 5.0.6 None
gdebi Ubuntu Maverick 0.6.2 None
gdebi Debian Sid 0.6.2 None
python-gdata Debian Squeeze 2.0.8-1.1 None
python-gdata Ubuntu Maverick 2.0.8-1.1 None
xcompmgr Ubuntu Maverick 1.1.5-1 None
gdebi Ubuntu Lucid 0.6.0 None
xcompmgr Debian Sid 1.1.5-1 None
notify-python Ubuntu Lucid 0.1.1-2build3 None
gdebi Debian Lenny 0.3.11debian1+nmu1+lenny1 None
gdebi Ubuntu Karmic 0.5.9 None
gdebi Ubuntu Jaunty 0.4.9 None
transset Debian Experimental 0.1.0+cvs.20051218-1 None
desktop-base Ubuntu Jaunty 5.0.5 None
notify-python Ubuntu Jaunty 0.1.1-2build2 None
python-gdata Ubuntu Jaunty 1.1.1-1 None
xcompmgr Debian Lenny 1.1.4-0.1 None
ruby-mp3info Debian Lenny 0.5-2 None
python-gdata Debian Lenny 1.1.1-1 None
prokyon3 Debian Lenny 0.9.6-0.1 None
notify-python Debian Lenny 0.1.1-2 None
notebook Debian Lenny 0.2rel-2.1 None
kerneltop Debian Lenny 0.8-2 None
directoryassistant Debian Lenny 2.0-1 None
desktop-base Debian Lenny 5.0.1 None
gdebi Ubuntu Intrepid 0.3.13 None
prokyon3 Ubuntu Intrepid 0.9.6-0.1 None
notify-python Ubuntu Intrepid 0.1.1-2build1 None
xcompmgr Ubuntu Intrepid 1.1.4-0.1 None
notebook Ubuntu Intrepid 0.2rel-2.1 armhf
gdebi Ubuntu Hardy 0.3.8 None
150 of 93 results