PPA packages

150 of 83 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
mesa PPA for FreshGraphics - Ubuntu Lucid 7.9.0~git20100312.e4d10dad-0ubuntu1-radeongallium~ppa1~lucid1 None
x11proto-gl PPA for FreshGraphics - Ubuntu Lucid 1.4.11-1~ppa1~lucid1 None
ps3mediaserver PPA for FreshWWW - Ubuntu Lucid 1.20.401~ppa1~lucid2 None
ffmpeg PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Lucid 4:0.5+svn20100206~ppa1~lucid3 None
libdvdcss PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Lucid 1.2.10-0.2medibuntu1~ppa1~lucid1 None
faac PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Lucid 1.28~ppa1~lucid1 None
x264 PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Lucid 1:0.svn20100206-0.84~ppa1~lucid1 None
twisted PPA for FreshWWW - Ubuntu Karmic 9.0.0-1~ppa1~karmic1 None
ffmpeg PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Karmic 4:0.5+svn20100113~ppa1~karmic1 None
x264 PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Karmic 1:0.svn20100109-0.80~ppa1~karmic1 None
faad0 PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Karmic 2.7.0~ppa1~karmic3 None
openttd PPA for FreshGames - Ubuntu Karmic 0.7.3~svn20090926~r17642~ppa1~karmic1 None
libdvdcss PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Karmic 1.2.10-0.2medibuntu1~ppa1~karmic1 None
faac PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Karmic 1.28~ppa1~karmic1 None
coherence PPA for FreshWWW - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.6.5~svn20090906~r1387~ppa1~jaunty1 None
lighttpd PPA for FreshWWW - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.4.23-3~ppa1~jaunty1 None
vlc PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.0.2~0.git20090807~ppa1~jaunty1 None
ffmpeg PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Jaunty 3:0.svn20090807-0.5~ppa1~jaunty1 None
x264 PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Jaunty 1:0.svn20090807-0.69~ppa1~jaunty1 None
libdvdcss PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.2.10-0.2medibuntu1~ppa1~jaunty1 None
firefox-3.5 PPA for FreshWWW - Ubuntu Jaunty 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty1 None
faad0 PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Jaunty 2.7.0~ppa1~jaunty1 None
libxcb PPA for Tim Kornhammar - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.3-2~ppa1~jaunty1 None
xcb-proto PPA for Tim Kornhammar - Ubuntu Jaunty 1.5-1~ppa1~jaunty1 None
faad2 PPA for FreshMedia - Ubuntu Jaunty 2.7.0~ppa1~jaunty3 None
coherence PPA for Tim Kornhammar - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.6.5~svn20090605~r1305~ppa1~jaunty1 None
openttd PPA for FreshGames - Ubuntu Jaunty 0.7.1~svn20090521~r16365~rc2~ppa1~jaunty1 None
150 of 83 results