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compiz (1: precise; urgency=low

  [ Ɓukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
  * Cherry-pick upstream patches:
    - CMake Error at FindCompiz.cmake:84 (include): include could not find load
      file: CompizDefaults (LP: #993608)
    - compiz (decor) - Warn: failed to bind pixmap to texture (LP: #929989)
    - gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGFPE in
      _decor_blend_horz_border_picture() (LP: #963794)
    - [callgrind] compiz spends ~25% of its time constructing/destructing
      strings in PrivateScreen::handleActionEvent (LP: #1005569)
    - gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in meta_get_decoration_geometry
      (LP: #1007754)
    - composite refresh rate falls back to 50Hz, which is wrong in most cases
      (LP: #1009338)
    - [callgrind] compiz spends ~7% of its time inserting into and destructing
      the events list in PrivateScreen::processEvents() (LP: #1006335)

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * Cherry-pick upstream patches:
    - gtk-window-decorator crashes with BadWindow (invalid Window parameter),
      from XGetWindowProperty() from get_frame_type() (LP: #1019337)
    - Fix gtk-window-decorator crash in meta_get_button_position
      (LP: #1015593)
    - If running test cases under a real X server, we don't care if Xvfb is
      missing (LP: #994841)
    - Fix crash LP: #1019337 properly this time. The original fix did not
      handle the case where (win != NULL && xid != None && !valid_window(xid))
      so would still exit with an X error. Now we trap and handle such errors
      gracefully, instead of hitting the default handler which kills
 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden>   Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:31:34 +0300

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