Publishing details
im-switch (1.23ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
- handle missing zenity better (LP: #1071690)
- add check for zenity existance
- im-switch: add wrapper script starting in terminal if called from the
menu without zenity
- im-switch.desktop: call wrapper scrict
- debian/control: depend on zenity | x-terminal-emulator
- replace "imput" with "input" line 380 (LP: #621204).
- 80im-switch:
- Delay the start of an input method framework with 10 seconds
to increase the chances that its icon (e.g. an iBus icon) is
shown in Unity's menu bar (LP: #875435).
- im-switch.desktop:
- Dont show the menu item on LXDE as the GUI is handled by
language-selector-gnome (LP: #1041941).
- Suggest not Depend on zenity, graphical functions are handled by
language-selector in Ubuntu and this brings in lots of unnecessary
nits into Kubuntu
-- Vibhav Pant <email address hidden> Tue, 30 Apr 2013 17:18:31 +0530
Built packages
Input method switch framework
Package files