Maintained Packages

117 of 17 results
Name Uploaded to Version When Failures
adr-tools Debian Sid 3.0.0-2 None
zmk Debian Sid 0.5.1-2 None
libzt Debian Sid 0.3.1-4 None
python-releases Debian Sid 1.6.3-1 None
pyotherside Ubuntu Disco 1.4.0-2build2 None
pyotherside Ubuntu Artful 1.4.0-2build1 None
pyotherside Debian Experimental 1.4.0-2 None
pyotherside Ubuntu Xenial 1.4.0-2~fakesync2 None
twine Debian Sid 1.5.0-1 None
plainbox Debian Sid 0.22-1 None
twine Ubuntu Trusty 1.3.1-1~ubuntu14.04.1 None
twine Ubuntu Utopic 1.3.1-1~ubuntu14.10.1 None
python-releases Ubuntu Utopic 0.7.0-1~ubuntu14.10.1 None
python-releases Ubuntu Trusty 0.7.0-1~ubuntu14.04.1 None
pyotherside Debian Sid 1.2.0-1 None
command-not-found Ubuntu Feisty 0.2.1 None
command-not-found Ubuntu Edgy 0.1.0 None
117 of 17 results